Silvin’s FDL # 17

Today, we invite you to discover the FDL # 17. This bike, Silvin’s personal project made to celebrate our partnership with Caddie (all pretexts are good), takes the turn of what we now want to offer with the Fer de Lance: tailor-made for your urban projects!...

Antoine’s TOMI # 14

Antoine came to the workshop this morning for the delivery of his TOMI # 14. Antoine is sympathy itself, and we quickly want to extend the discussion we started with the coffee. But his TOMI is for the moment hidden under a black sheet, and it is time to reveal the...

Fanchon’s TOMI # 13

Discover Fanchon’s TOMI # 13! “Two months ago, we met Fanchon at the workshop for the delivery of his TOMI # 13. 6 months earlier, we met for the first time at the workshop. And it was with great pleasure that we realized that Fanchon, accompanied by...

The TOMI # 12 of Tugdual

Discover the TOMI # 12 from Tugdual! Last Tuesday was delivery day to the workshop! Our clients are endearing First of all, they have past stories or future projects that we receive as regular doses of motivation. Then, each time we discover full personalities, and...

Mana’s TOMI # 11

Discover Mana’s TOMI # 11! Each delivery is eagerly awaited, both by our customers and by ourselves. This, the last of the year, was no exception to the rule! We had an appointment with Mana last Tuesday for the delivery of his TOMI # 11. A project cut out for...

François TOMI # 10

Discover the TOMI # 10. The more the meetings with our clients pass, the more we observe the proliferation of approaches to cycling travel and traveler profiles that may exist. François has always been a great sportsman, especially at a high level in football. And he...