WORKSHOP DETOUR – THE POUCH BAG [NEXT DATES SOON ONLINE] Category : Textile Price and duration : 60€/ 3h Difficulty : Intermediate During this workshop, come and make your own pouch bag. This workshop is for beginners who are comfortable with their hands, as...

MANIVELLE N°43 x CDM – Caroline

Discover Caroline’s Manivelle #43 x CDM! Just back from the CDM22, we are very happy to present you the Manivelle of Caroline , presented at this edition. This bike, an all road bike designed from Caroline’s specifications and the CDM specifications, will...

Back to our CDM22 machine

The adventure of this Machine Contest 2022 began for us with a meeting. We had not quite planned to take part in this edition, considering our large order book at the beginning of the year and the challenge of approaching a complete bike component. But this was...


After a long out of stock on our mini Expeditions and bottle cages, they are finally back! The production of our partner Caddy had been slow for several months, the company being in a recovery situation. Since then, Caddy has regained its stability, and our...

MANIVELLE N°41 – Jean-Baptiste

Discover Jean-Baptiste’s Manivelle N°41! JB loves asphalt, mountain passes, speed. He has been riding for several years, often in a peloton. And when he leaves alone, he likes more and more to lengthen the days and the distances. His bike was until now in...